Being a NARM-Informed Professional
As a NARM-Informed Professional, I completed a lengthy and involved training with the NARM Training Institute. I am a professional educator and movement specialist.
The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), originated by Dr. Laurence Heller, works with internal roadblocks that stand in the way of connecting and feeling our own aliveness. Through supporting self-regulation, internal organization, and expanding our capacity to tolerate expansion, connection, and aliveness, we can live more fully and joyfully.
Lisa DeLand
Fueled by my own personal healing journey, I do what I do with endless curiosity and belief that with willingness to do the work, a joyous life is possible.
I was reared by parents who were disconnected from their emotions, had rigid beliefs about parenting, and a hands-off approach with high expectations. My parents did not mean to harm me; they were the product of their own generational wounding (trauma) as well as not being self-reflective. This combination translated into me experiencing my parents as withdrawn, unavailable and neglectful.
As a vivacious and curious child with a tender heart, I dampened my life force to fit their required mold. I developed several survival strategies and avoidance behaviors. These strategies and behaviors served me well until they became limitations and roadblocks. This recognition is where my healing journey began.
We each have a moment or series of moments when we realize we want something different for ourselves. This is the beginning place for change — curiosity and self-reflection. Add in willingness and change is possible. Asking for help and support are [an]other important ingredients to facilitate change.
In our work together, I call on my life experience, deep listening, 20+ years as an educator and over 25 years as a movement specialist, combined with training in NARM and SSP to help you identify roadblocks and support compassionate changes you want to make for yourself.
I’ve been called the “kid whisperer” by my parent clients. I specialize in supporting your child in finding their own way to learn. I foster critical thinking skills while bringing kids up to grade level. We also have FUN while learning. 21 years in the classroom, certified for grades 1–8.
My focus is on the whole child: who they are, what their relationship is to learning, how they learn, what their strengths and struggles are and what might be keeping them from learning.
Our first step with tutoring your child is to have a conversation with either you as the parent or a child’s legal guardian to understand your child’s needs.
Next, we’ll schedule an in-home, one-on-one, 30-minute assessment of your child. After the assessment, we’ll discuss my findings and I’ll present a suggested approach
Together, we create an environment where your child can learn, try new things for the first time and revisit difficult topics without shame of failure. I encourage your child’s natural thinking and questionning process, which lays the foundation for life-long learning.
Throughout our tutoring time, I’ll communicate progress with you, the parents or guardians. I’ll keep you up to date on the material we’re covering and provide anecdotal observations about how your child learns. This helps you guide your child’s continuing successful academic journey.
NOTE: Tutoring takes place in person within the Austin area.

Movement as Medicine
Because our bodies and minds work together, constantly sharing and processing information (stimuli) back and forth throughout our nervous system, having a mind-only or body-only approach to healing leaves out half of what’s possible.
Sadly, over the course of our lives, negative social messages, situations in which we had no say and events over which we had no control interfered with the free flow of our life force. We responded by adopting strategies to keep us safe. Over time, these strategies sometimes translate into chronic and debilitating dis-eases in our bodies. In response to extreme events, parts of our bodies may cease to function altogether.
When we combine movement with trauma-informed self-reflection, life-changing shifts can happen. Being a trained trauma professional allows me to bring a unique lens to this work.
Dancing since 1994, teaching classes since 2007, I use the maps of the 5Rhythms® (a movement meditation practice founded by Gabrielle Roth) to help reveal what’s stuck or interfering with the support you’ve requested. Then, we explore how to help you move towards your desired outcome.
My approach is not prescriptive. I pull from years of movement study and being trauma-informed to meet you where you are. Together, we create a way out. There are no set steps or movements. You don’t have to “be a dancer” or know “how to dance.” The process of using movement as a healing tool is organic. Each person’s sovereignty and timing is respected and encouraged.
For more information, see my movement practice website: Dancing Fire Lizards.